divendres, 23 de setembre del 2011

My dreams

Hi Sonia, as you asked to do i'm going to send you a letter talking about my dreams.
I have one dream, i know it's impossible because is colective, but if i had one wish, this one is wich i ask to do to the genius, and is that someday Catalonia would be independent. But as I said before, i know that it's imposible and I try not to spend much time on this.
Another dream is to be a videogame developer and make a famous game as Call Of Duty or somthing like that. This dream is easier to get because the next year I'll go to the university, and i'll try to go to UAB or UB, and rent there a flat with two or three friends and transform it in a student flat, with party from thursday to sunday.
I wish you to enjoy my dreams.
See you tomorrow, I supose hahaha.

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