divendres, 2 de desembre del 2011

The republic

Recently a group of friends, the two Guillems, Sebas, Simon and me, have made a facebook private group, it's called the republic. On there we speak about politics, and other things but what i like the most, is that each of us represent a different pollytical belief, and we vote between us. Simon is the totalitarian, he is our führer (obviously is completely fictitious) and now he is at the power. Guillem Mancilla is the Marx of the group, the communist, Sebas is the anarchist, Guillem Costa is the capitalist, Aleix Canet is the islamist, Guillermo the anarchist, and finally, i'm the sexist.
We usually meet at the lunch time, and we talk about the actuallity, things we want to change and we liked that were changed. We speak about Seba's perfect society, called "mein societed". Is a project of life, very comunist, in this society there's a rotation of jobs and everybody has to work as anything.
We also do nipple wars, in wich wars we have to pinch others nipples, is really funni, but you arrive at your home with blood in the nipples.

diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2011


Cuanto cabrón and cuanta razón are two of my more visitated web pages of my PC. Every day when i turn on the computer i go there. In Cuantarazón, there are a lot of pictures, some funny, some disgusting or other, but allways with a smart coment that makes you laugh.
In Cuantocabrón, there are some cartoons with daly anecdotes or not, extremely funny. In this cartoons appear diferent characters, like fuck yeah, that allways is succesful, forever alone, that doesn't have any friends, or "me gusta" that is a pervert. But my favorite is "I'm watching you" that is allways watching you haha.
If I'm very bored, i look all the comments, because sometimes two users get angry annd begin to quarrel. I like to read their fights because sometimes a lot of people introduce to the quarrel and becomes a mass.

World lightest material

A team of engeniers has developed the lightest material of the world, and aslo has anextraordinarily high energy absorption. It's made out of small microtubes so it's a 99'99% of air, and because this, is the material with the smallest density of the world.
Very light and small, but it has a huge strongness. The structure is the key, "Materials actually get stronger as the dimensions are reduced to the nanoscale," said
Some possible practical uses could be thermal insulation, battery electrodes and products that need to dampen sound, vibration, next-generation batteries, shock absorbers and shock energy.

In conclusion, this material is a good tecnological advance and will be very important.

Spain election

As the prediction said, Mariano Rajoy is wining with absolut majority, the elections. With a 5% of unemployed, Rajoy get a chance, and he hasn't wasted it. Zapatero's mandate has finished, and the spanish people want a change, and with the slogan "Cambiemos todos juntos España", has earned the number of votes he wanted not to have to need to pact with other political party, and to be able to do what they want.
Rajoy has anounced that there will be some shortenings in public school, and sanity health, and maybe privatitzacion. In a wish of an upgrade of the spanish economy, spanish people is prepared for everything.

The Nini Anthem

I'm going to talk about a new song that i like and the lyrics are very funny. Is "Paso" of Sak Noel.
Sak Noel is a Catalan DJ, from Girona. His first succesful song was "Loca People", that is famous around the world. Paso, the nini anthem, is about a girl that is talking to her mum, and she doesn't want to study or work, she just want to party. Shes a nini, as Sak described, a Spanish word to describe a young, rebel and global generation only interested in party. No job, no study, just party.
She also says how she is dressing, and only i will say that she is dressing like (a word that sounds like teach).
I like this song because is funny that a word like "nini", original of a TV program, has become as famous as now. Finally i'll put here the song, to make everybody able to listen it.

Monday... Party!
Tuesday... Party!
Wednesday... Party!
Thursday... Party!
Friday... Party!
Weekend... Weekend... Weekend... Party!

I'm telling to you mama
There is no need for dramma
But I don't wanna study
I just wanna party

Don't wait for me awake
I'm calling home late
maybe at 5... maybe at 6...
Loke at me mom
I'm dressing like a...
I just wanna party

Mama, yo paso de todo

I'm telling to you mama
There is no need for dramma
But I don't wanna study
I just wanna party

Don't wait for me awake
I'm calling home late
maybe at 5... maybe at 6...
Look at me mom
I'm dressing like a bitch!

Monday... Party!
Tuesday... Party!
Wednesday... Party!
Thursday... Party!
Friday... Party!
Weekend... Weekend... Weekend... Party!

Monday... Party!
Tuesday... Party!
Wednesday... Party!
Thursday... Party!
Monday... Party!
Tuesday... Party!
Wednesday... Party!
Thursday... Party!
Weekend... Weekend... Weekend... Weekend...

Mama, yo paso de todo

Weekend... wow!

I don't wanna study
I just wanna party
I don't wanna study
I just wanna party
I don't wanna study
I just wanna party
I don't wanna study
I just wanna party

Strange operation

-Hey dude what's going on?
-Great bro, well, waiting for my penius shortning operation.
-WTF? You're mad, but at least is a medical affair, isn't it?
-Yes, cause' it's hurting my ankle.
-Kidding? How many boxes are you gonna spend?
-Completely truth, 5000 boxes.
-Janna knows about it? She won't agree
-You know, 25 cm after the operation is not bad
-Are you going there today or tomorrow?
-Today at 6 PM
-Wow, is too soon, isn't it?
-Yes, but, OMG it's 4 PM, i gotta go. See ya
-Good luck!

divendres, 21 d’octubre del 2011

Gadafi's death

In this video, Ben Farmer, an Afghanistan correspondent, is on the phone explaining what has happened with Gadafi. At 8 pm a bomb exploted next to him, while he was hiding at the gutter and then a throng of people found him, and began to hit him. When he was almost unconscious, some people shot him, and finally he died. His last words were "don't kill me".

I can understand all the suffering they've passed during this years, but i can't stop thining that his death has been too brutal. But i think that if he was going to die, is better to die as soon as possible. Maybe it's justice, maybe not, it's done and we cannot return to the past to change it so we have to accept it.

divendres, 23 de setembre del 2011

Rookie, el novato

15th of September of 2009. It was my first day of school, but all was new, school, town, and friends. Well, new friends not exactly because i didn't have. At the beggining i was sad, and alone, but i was lucky because Aleix and Victor were in my class. I say lucky because they are two people with trust deeply. Victor talked to me during the class and Aleix asked me to go. But there were "bad" people too, as Moha. He was a bully. He allways said to me: -You! "novatish", come here!-, and then he showed me his knifes, that they were at his bag. I was very scared, because it wasn't normal.
But some time later I began to trust Moha more and more, and i understood that knife episodes were jokes. And when i could say: -Now i'm not a rookie anymore- was when we went to Italy. In those days I reforced my friendship with my new friends, and it was the best travel i've ever had.

My dreams

Hi Sonia, as you asked to do i'm going to send you a letter talking about my dreams.
I have one dream, i know it's impossible because is colective, but if i had one wish, this one is wich i ask to do to the genius, and is that someday Catalonia would be independent. But as I said before, i know that it's imposible and I try not to spend much time on this.
Another dream is to be a videogame developer and make a famous game as Call Of Duty or somthing like that. This dream is easier to get because the next year I'll go to the university, and i'll try to go to UAB or UB, and rent there a flat with two or three friends and transform it in a student flat, with party from thursday to sunday.
I wish you to enjoy my dreams.
See you tomorrow, I supose hahaha.