diumenge, 27 de maig del 2012

Esperanza Aguirre " The spanish cup should not be played with spectators"

Recently, Madrid's comunity president Esperanza Aguirre has said that the spanish cup should not be played with spectators, because the two classificated teams are At. Bilbao and FCBarcelona, Catalan and Basque teams. Both are from regions that are so independentists, and when Spanish anthem is ringing, everybody of the stadium whistles so high to the anthem and to the king, and is almost not heared. Two years ago happened, and Esperanza Aguirre doesn't want that to happen again. I think that saying that she is showing how stupid is, and she got what she wanted: make the people talk about what she has said and not about that the deficit of Madrid, that doubles the numbre she had said two months ago. I hate that because they think that they can control us as they want, and the fucking shit is that they are getting it. Is so sad...

Human rights

1.What are human rights? Human rights are inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being 2.Why were they created? Because we don't respect between us, and sometimes we do bad things 3.How many human rights are there? 30 4. Which human right were you not familiar with? Mention an example where this human right is respected and where it is not respected? "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile." I think this right is not respected everywhere, first by the dictatorships, where repression is the mean to dominate the people, and second by some polices that think they are god, and arrest people without think about it.

Letter to Obama

Dear Barack Obama, I am writing this letter to notice you about a movement that is happening arround the world, and I think you would like to know about it, is called Kony 2012. This affair is about the children kidnapping, but you may know what it is, so i just wish you to do something about that. I know that you are very busy with United States affairs, but i know you could do something, by sending some soldats to Africa to help the Ugandian army against Kony. If you have the peace Novel Prize, make it worth, defend human rights before everything else, because human rights is the most important thing that we have, the only thing that all the people has in common. I wish you to read this letter, and to do something about that. I look forward to hearing from you, Yours faithfully Mr Obama Pablo viñas

dilluns, 14 de maig del 2012

Pau lansaque

Pau lansaque is a friend that allways remember, he was one year older, i was in Ampuria when i heard the bad new, the worst new, he suicided. I talk with his closest friends, and they don't know why he did that yet. He was so funny...
When we were young, allways we were arguing and fighting, but with the time we became friends. When he did  that we hadn't talked since a lot of time ago. I would like to talk to him to say goodbye, but i know that he did that with a reason, and i want to go to masnou to go to his monument and put him his song sang by eros. Here is the song

Masnou and music

Recently my friends of Masnou, near to Barcelona, have told me that there is a wave of new artists from Masnou. Some of this artists are friends of me, one year older and sing rap, or other friends of my sister like Dani di weed.
When i left Masnou i knew that Eros, was singing and i heard a CD that published with a friend, but i didn't like it, but the last songs he has made are so good, i think he has future. The best for me is "Hip hop es", that talks about what is hip hop for him, and sings with a friend that i played basketball with. Both have talent, but is dificult to earn money enough for live with music, and i think they will give up.
The other, Dani di weed, sings a mix of reague and soft rap, he is becoming famous in Masnou and the towns near to there, and is really, really good. I can't stop hearing that songs. I know Dani, in a show, singing  "puta policia" in a "chiringito" (in Masnou "chiringitos" are very popular, and every night of summer they don't close until 4 AM). I didn't like that song too much, but that night my friend Roger showed me some songs that had recorded with a record label and was so good. Here i leave you "Hip hop es" and "desde el mediterráneo, of Dani.

divendres, 11 de maig del 2012


Now is May, and as every May, barrakes come to Figueres. I love barrakes and allways will love it, it's my favourite party because ther is a lot of people of everywere, you can know a lot of new people and see people that you hadn't seen for some time