divendres, 2 de desembre del 2011

The republic

Recently a group of friends, the two Guillems, Sebas, Simon and me, have made a facebook private group, it's called the republic. On there we speak about politics, and other things but what i like the most, is that each of us represent a different pollytical belief, and we vote between us. Simon is the totalitarian, he is our führer (obviously is completely fictitious) and now he is at the power. Guillem Mancilla is the Marx of the group, the communist, Sebas is the anarchist, Guillem Costa is the capitalist, Aleix Canet is the islamist, Guillermo the anarchist, and finally, i'm the sexist.
We usually meet at the lunch time, and we talk about the actuallity, things we want to change and we liked that were changed. We speak about Seba's perfect society, called "mein societed". Is a project of life, very comunist, in this society there's a rotation of jobs and everybody has to work as anything.
We also do nipple wars, in wich wars we have to pinch others nipples, is really funni, but you arrive at your home with blood in the nipples.

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