diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2011

The Nini Anthem

I'm going to talk about a new song that i like and the lyrics are very funny. Is "Paso" of Sak Noel.
Sak Noel is a Catalan DJ, from Girona. His first succesful song was "Loca People", that is famous around the world. Paso, the nini anthem, is about a girl that is talking to her mum, and she doesn't want to study or work, she just want to party. Shes a nini, as Sak described, a Spanish word to describe a young, rebel and global generation only interested in party. No job, no study, just party.
She also says how she is dressing, and only i will say that she is dressing like (a word that sounds like teach).
I like this song because is funny that a word like "nini", original of a TV program, has become as famous as now. Finally i'll put here the song, to make everybody able to listen it.

Monday... Party!
Tuesday... Party!
Wednesday... Party!
Thursday... Party!
Friday... Party!
Weekend... Weekend... Weekend... Party!

I'm telling to you mama
There is no need for dramma
But I don't wanna study
I just wanna party

Don't wait for me awake
I'm calling home late
maybe at 5... maybe at 6...
Loke at me mom
I'm dressing like a...
I just wanna party

Mama, yo paso de todo

I'm telling to you mama
There is no need for dramma
But I don't wanna study
I just wanna party

Don't wait for me awake
I'm calling home late
maybe at 5... maybe at 6...
Look at me mom
I'm dressing like a bitch!

Monday... Party!
Tuesday... Party!
Wednesday... Party!
Thursday... Party!
Friday... Party!
Weekend... Weekend... Weekend... Party!

Monday... Party!
Tuesday... Party!
Wednesday... Party!
Thursday... Party!
Monday... Party!
Tuesday... Party!
Wednesday... Party!
Thursday... Party!
Weekend... Weekend... Weekend... Weekend...

Mama, yo paso de todo

Weekend... wow!

I don't wanna study
I just wanna party
I don't wanna study
I just wanna party
I don't wanna study
I just wanna party
I don't wanna study
I just wanna party

1 comentari:

  1. In my opinion that's a cool song, it reflects how is going spain these days.. Power of nini!!
